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Million Dollar View Houses and Double Glazing Units

Auckland glass repairs
glass repairs Auckland
window repairs Auckland
Auckland window repairs
Million dollar view house
Double Glazing Unit
window replacement
window repairs
glass door repair
glass door replacement
One of million view House in Bucklands Beach Auckland (tgm.net.nz, copy rights reserved)

DGU–Double Glazing Unit and The H1 Clause of the Building Code

Double Glazing Unit (DGU) is installed and required by NZ law and Healthy Homes Standards. The BRANZ House Condition Survey of 2015 showed that many New Zealand hoes are lacking decent insulation, ventilation or heating, To meet the HHS, a higher standard The H1 Clause of the Building Code is forced to apply to all new build, rental and commercial properties by 3 November 2022 with a further set of requirements beginning from 1 May 2023. The H1 Clause of the Building Code regulates the energy efficiency of the built environment-covering wall, floor, ceiling insulation and the thermal performance of windows and doors.

DGU-Double Glazing Unit for your windows and doors

DGU is so important to your house for saving energy( it is dollar matter as well), keeping warmth, dryness and coolness in summer of your home (relevant directly to your health). Have you counted how many windows and doors for your house? 10? 20? 30? even 100 units? Yes, most of NZ houses have more than 20 or 30 windows and doors together. This glass windows and doors bring lights and warmness to your house, and they prevent the wet and coldness from outside. In the summer, they keep your house cool after your aircon operates. So the Double glazing units of windows and doors do the job for you.

Auckland glass repairs
glass repairs Auckland
window repairs Auckland
Auckland window repairs
Double Glazing Unit
window replacement
window repairs
glass door repair
glass door replacement
Your Double glazing Unit was broken or something wrong, we can fit or replace it. (tgm.net.nz, copy rights reserved)
Auckland glass repairs
glass repairs Auckland
window repairs Auckland
Auckland window repairs
Double Glazing Unit
window replacement
window repairs
glass door repair
glass door replacement
The right side DGU is out of performance, we replace it with a newly made DGU window pane. (tgm.net.nz, copy rights reserved)
Auckland glass repairs
glass repairs Auckland
window repairs Auckland
Auckland window repairs
We have replaced a bigger DGU after the small DGU pane replaced (tgm.net.nz, copy rights reserved)

Yes, if you have a million dollar view house, you must take care of your windows and doors, maintain all of the windows and doors in good condition is a key job for a landlord, for your healthy, family and dollars. If you do not have a million dollar view house, you also need to take care of your house, and keep your house in a healthy, ventilated, and comfortable temperature (warm, sunny in winter, or cool in summer). and working hard to make your house cozy. No matter what type of places you live in, Double Glazing Unit is essential for your home.

visit our website:https://tgm.net.nz, Or call us at 0800-00-GLASS to book your free visit

Auckland glass repairs
glass repairs Auckland
window repairs Auckland
Auckland window repairs
A million Dollar View house
Double Glazing Unit
Glass replace
DGU replacement
DGU repair
Double glazing Unit repairs
Double glazing Unit replace
A million Dollar View house needs to replace its Double Glazing Unit.(Copyright reserved by tgm.net.nz)


December 5, 2023/

In general, glass types include the followings: 1) Clear floating/annealed glass; 2) toughened glass; 3)tinted-heat absorbing glass; 4)Patterned annealed glass;…

December 5, 2023/

In general, glass types include the followings: 1) Clear floating/annealed glass; 2) toughened glass; 3)tinted-heat absorbing glass; 4)Patterned annealed glass;…

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