6.38mm Clear Laminated Glass for Sale
Since we have too many sheets of 6.38mm clear laminated glass in stock, we are going to do some clearance sales on our extra stock 6.38mm stocked sheets at 2440 x 1220. Our 6.38mm clear laminated glass stock sheet at size 2440mm x 1220 is for sale at $39+ GST/ sqm or cut into smaller size at $50.00+GST/sqm (minimum charge $50.00+GST /each glass pane applies when size is maller than 1 sqm) at your collect rate. This promotion ends with extra stock sold out.
![Auckland glass cut
Toughened glass Auckland
Laminated glass Auckland](https://tgm.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/IMG_20231205_125502-real-laminated-glass-cross-section-tgm.net_.nz_-1-768x1024.jpg)