If you are going to install large wall mirrors for dance or gym, call us at 09-5769060, 0800-00-MIRROR, you need to contact with experienced glazing company such as Total Glass and Mirror. As we mentioned in other posts in our website, a few things you should take into consideration before you shop mirrors: 1) where to mount, 2) size, 3) types of mounting 4) budget. In most of cases, you ask the glaziers to mount the large mirrors on your garage wall or your living room wall. You shop mirrors and contact with a well-known mirror specialist Total Glass and Mirror. Pricing varies from projects to projects, a more expensive mirror mounting means multi-factors are included in your project costs: more hands needed for carrying mirrors to your site-accessibility, the heavy weight, the wall not flat-fact or nature of your current wall, channel type mounting-concrete wall or timber wall, sometimes, a not flat wall existing, even it is a timber-GIB wall, it needs a lot of time to adjust the levels of elevation and surface, longer time used for your project will be charged to you as a dearer bill, other factors will influence costs including using thicker mirror, vinyl-back mirror and cutouts on the mirrors, etc. Drilling to concrete wall then mounting channels with expansion screws usually uses longer time. If there are requirements for mirror with power point cutouts, template of mirrors will be made by pre-visiting, measuring and cutting, this will increase quotation price as well.

Requirements for Large Wall Mirror mounting/installing: 1)accessibility to your site 2) flatness/level of the wall 3) structure and nature of the wall 4) Glue mounting or channel mounting?

Large wall mirror-Safety consideration:
If your mirrors are glued on flat wall, it should be very safe since the mirrors are held by the glue to the wall firmly. However, if the large mirrors mounted/install to channels, you need to use the vinylback mirrors. If your wall is not solid and strong enough, channel mounting sometimes need more attention, skills and technical way to keep the mirrors safe in usage. if you are in Auckland area, Call us at 09-5769060, email us: [email protected], and we will mount your large wall mirrors