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Opal Laminated glass installation and putty job

opal laminated glass
glass replacement
putty job
shower window
clean the glass
We installed the opal laminated glass for the shower window, after the putty job, the window is being cleaned. (copyrights reserved by tgm.net.nz)
For your shower window, opal laminated glass is a good option. It is safety glass, and it looks premium and nice. email us: info@tgm.net.nz or call us at 0800 00 GLASS for a free quote.
Total Glass and Mirror
Opal laminated glass
shower window
shower window replace
Channel Glass and Mirror Systems Ltd
putty job
The shower window panes were replaced and installed with our tailor made opal laminated glass, and putty job was completed (copyrights reserved by tgm.net.nz, Channel Glass and Mirror Systems Ltd trade as Total Glass and Mirror)

For your shower window, opal laminated glass is a good option. It is safety glass, and it looks premium and nice. email us: [email protected] or call us at 0800 00 GLASS for a free quote.


December 5, 2023/

In general, glass types include the followings: 1) Clear floating/annealed glass; 2) toughened glass; 3)tinted-heat absorbing glass; 4)Patterned annealed glass;…

December 5, 2023/

In general, glass types include the followings: 1) Clear floating/annealed glass; 2) toughened glass; 3)tinted-heat absorbing glass; 4)Patterned annealed glass;…

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